The customer-centricity and the efficiency of most organizations increasingly depend on their ability to collaborate across their functional silos. Challenge yourself as you must lead people across the barriers to work together.

How can you use silobuster?
As an open program to mindset an audience of managers and employees to be more proactive and deliberate in the way they collaborate outside their own area. (3½-8 hours).
As a resolution program to strengthen the collaboration between two areas/ departments/ teams who face either conflict or new opportunities (2 * 3 hours).
As a strategic program for one area/ department/ team who plans to strengthen the collaborative efficiency towards its key collaboration partners.

What is the idea of silo busters?
The philosophy
All organizations have 'silos': business divisions or areas that operate too independently and share too little information.
Barriers and bridges
But... instead of trying to break down the silos which has become a common way of talking about efficient collaboration... the basic idea is to 'keep' the silos.
Specialisation, deep knowledge and local engagement are necessary for every organization and silos are a natural side-effect.
However, opening the silos, understanding and removing barriers between silos, building bridges between them, is a fast way to enable efficient collaboration.
How does silobuster work?
silobuster programs are facilitated workshops, with blended learning elements
Analysis: We use a visual analysis board to map relationships, barriers and bridges between silos.
Actions: We bring a best-practice tool kit, but also a template for designing new collaborative actions.
Simulation: We use a game-based learning simulation to create insight and aha-moments. The simulation is based on a tailor-made case, which illustrates collaboration struggles and which challenges the participants to 'understand' the details and remove the barriers that stop efficient collaboration.