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Concrete activities

Planning meetings



An activity where you agree which activities you want to focus on in the next period.


There is a need for us to agree on short and long-term priorities, and in this way we get a picture of the scope.


Collaborate with stakeholders and other decision makers to uncover the most important decisions in the planning process. Including the four HV questions; why, who, what and when.


In LB, it can be advantageous to invite SMEs to the planning meetings.


The activity can be performed by everyone in a group (at all organizational levels).


For larger projects, it is recommended that a project manager takes control.




Uncommitted Roadmap (uncommitted roadmap) is an activity that creates a shared idea of when we can probably expect a benefit from our joint work in the future. We know that we become smarter by working with our tasks and that customers' needs change, and we have to deal with this continuously in our planning and revision of our roadmaps.


It's about creating plans together that provide a realistic time interval - the recommendation is approx. 3 months - and each team will plan their work in detail - i.e. which tasks they will solve - typically every 14 days.


We need to have a joint plan, to give the stakeholders responsibility for their own deadlines, to create an overview of the process and to streamline communication in relation to deadlines.


Create a digital or analogue template for your roadmap. It can have several tracks, depending on the complexity of the tasks, and be divided into longer and shorter time periods. Use your team to align your roadmap and invite other teams to validate the role they play in getting everything done on time.


It can be advantageous to agree on regular status updates, as well as include an option for a buffer.


The activity can be performed by everyone in a group (at all organizational levels).


For larger projects, it is recommended that a project manager takes control.

Basis for prioritization



​The activity is about agreeing on 'how' you make your priorities. What is the basis for prioritizing - before you start the prioritization itself.


When we need to prioritize something over something else.


Start by gathering relevant employees/colleagues. List all urgent tasks. Now rate them based on:

1) what creates the biggest problems if we wait too long with the task 2) what takes the longest time and

3) whether there are any special deadlines which are essential for the completion of the task. Now reconsider your priorities and see which order makes the most sense.


It is important that everyone speaks up and explains why their task is important, but you must hold on to your decision-making ability so that priorities can be set.


The activity can be performed by everyone in a group (at all organizational levels).

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